This is the #1 secret to growing your score in an effective yet sustainable way in 2022

Learn How My Clients Get On Track To Growing Their Credit to 700 and above Using 6 Simple Steps

Allowing them to afford their dream home or dream car all without being trapped by massive payments in just 6 months

Allowing them to afford their dream home or dream car all without being trapped by massive payments in just 6 months

  • +3000 Happy Students
  • 20+ Years Of Experience
  • +3000 Happy Students
  • 20+ Years Of Experience
From the desk of Shelton Marchman
It was quite early on in my career that I realized a disturbing trend in the Credit Repair adn Financial Education industry.

All I was seeing left and right were copy and paste programs.

Whether you were a Joe or a Nancy, whether you were tens of thousands of dollars in the hole or just looking to grow your score,

They would give you the same roadmap they gave everyone else.

Here’s the problem with that though...
There are strategies that work for some, and not for others..

Luckily for you, after working with over 3000 different people in your exact situation, I’ve figured out a unique process that works OVER AND OVER again.

I call this the Custom Credit Secrets. This process takes into account what situation you’re in at the moment, and based on that, helps you create your own Growth Roadmap.

Every other program out there gives you temporary fixes that go away as soon as you go back to your normal lives.

Custom Credit Secrets integrates into your daily life allowing you to have more permanent growth.

This is by far the best process out there to get your score on track to hit 700 in just 6 months allowing you to get approved for anything like new homes, cars, loans and more!

Did you know that the average American owes $92,727?

It’s no wonder why over 50% of Americans say they don’t have enough savings to sustain themselves for more than 3 months!

With being in a hole that big and low savings, how does the average American get credit, cars, the house of their dreams without getting the worst rates?

If you’re in the same boat, and you’re hoping you’ll just come out of this hole someday. I’m here to tell you that you won’t... And here’s why...

Interest is coined as the 8th wonder of the world

and while it can be used for good, in your case, it’s not helping you at all.
Every day, the amount of money you owe increases only because of that dang “percentage”. 

Whether you got it years ago or just a day ago, interest starts piling up, and it piles up QUICK, especially when you have  low scores.

If you’ve related with anything I’ve said so far, here are some things that are probably true about your life right now:
  • You struggle to save because all your extra money goes towards paying off your balances
  • You think there’s no way out of this hole apart from working those double shifts for some extra money
  • Maybe you know there is a way out, but you don’t know where to start
  • ​You’re worried you won’t have anything to pass on to your kids apart from your debt

Trust me when I say, I know what it’s like to have this constant stress hovering over you like a cloud from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. 

And believe me, it doesn’t have to be like this at all.

After working with over 3000 students in all sorts of financial holes in their lives, I’ve realised that anyone can be taken to 700 scores with the right roadmap.

I’ve helped hundreds of people get mortgages when they thought it was impossible and I’ve helped hundreds of other people get out of holes they never thought they could and start saving for their families.

The CUSTOM CREDIT SECRETS is here to not just grow your scores to 700, but also help you raise your scores, or buy your dream home or car in just 6 months. Whatever your credit goals are we can get you there.

All you need is the 6 SIMPLE STEPS MY CLIENTS USE to not just grow their scores to 700, but also buy their dream homes in just 6 months.

I designed this process with people like you in mind and packaged it in an easy-to-follow 6 modules course. 
Let me tell you another story.

Imagine hiring a company to work with you 1 on 1 for a not-so-cheap price to get you approved for that mortgage, and even after a year, you still get denied.

That’s what my client Gabriela went through before working with me at Custom Credit Solutions.

They did everything they were told to do for a whole year but they just did not see any results. She got fed up and needed a change.

When she came to us, we figured out where she was at in her journey, where she wanted to get to and mapped out her entire journey. 

Within 6 months, she had gotten approved for a mortgage and was finally able to start working on their new dream house.

If you are ready to not only take control of your own score to buy your dream home, but also:

  • ​Have money to pay for your child’s education without them having to take on any loans
  • ​Have assets to pass down to your family so they’re able to live a comfortable life
  • ​Get rid of your debt to start being able to actually save money for your and your kids futures

Then you HAVE to grab this course for yourself today!

So Here’s How It’ll Work

 You’ll Pull Your Report

You’ve got to get a full overview of your credit to analyze

Follow The Course 

Use your reports and budget as a guide to move through the chapters effectively


Apply the processes assigned to your gameplan and watch your scores climb

Here Is Everything You’ll Get When You Buy Today!

Custom Credit Secrets - 6 Modules Course On How To Grow Your Score To 700 In The Next 6 Months

This is the only course you’ll ever need to put your growth back on track and in your control.

I’m going to walk you through the steps we've taken as a company to improve over 3800 clients scores! You just need to log in, follow along and implement! It’s really as simple as that.

I’ve made sure to design this course in a way that’ll explain the process easily, so you aren't left confused in the middle and wondering what’s next.

“Your Pathway To A Building a Better  Profile” Workbook

Get an action-focused workbook to go along with your course to make sure you do all the work you are assigned. 

This will make implementation that much easier for you. 

It’ll show you exactly what you’ll need to get to a 700 Score.

Mortgage Prep Worksheet

Many of our client's goal is to get you approved for their first mortgage. This worksheet will help you plan everything around that. Whether it’s the rates, the length or how much you can afford at each score, that’ll all be covered and more in this Worksheet.

Here’s The Thing.. There’s Really Only Three Possible Options Going Forward For You

Option 1: Life will stay the same.

You’ll continue to have high interest balances with a low credit in 6 months' time. You probably still won’t qualify for that mortgage or car loan while paying high interest rates and staying in the same place you are today.

Option 2: Learn yourself

You can go through the same years of training I went through, and then start working on your credit successfully after that

Option 3: Buy Today

Start growing your credit towards 700 from today. Get qualified for a great mortgage or autoloan and start saving for your family’s future.

Here’s What Our Clients Have Said About Our Program

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